中文名称: 食品级醋酸钙
英文名称: Food Grade Calcium Acetate
分 子 式: C4H6CaO4·H2O
分 子 量: 158.17
CAS NO: 62-54-4
性 能: 白色松散细粉,无臭,味微苦,相对密度1.50,易吸潮,加热至160℃分解成CaCO3及丙酮,易溶于水,微溶于乙醇。
用 途: 螯合剂;抑霉剂;稳定剂;缓冲剂;增香剂;防腐剂;固化剂;营养强化剂;PH值调节剂;加工助剂。
包 装: 内衬聚乙烯塑料袋,外套塑料编织袋,每袋25Kg。
贮存与运输: 应贮在干燥,通风清洁的库房中,轻装轻放,防止受潮、受热,运输过程中防止雨淋受潮,应与有毒物品隔离堆放。
1、Chemical Name: CALCIUM ACETATE
2、Molecular Formula : C4H6CaO4•H2O
1、Chemical Name: CALCIUM ACETATE
3、Molecular Weight: 176.18
4、CAS: 62-54-4
5、Character: It’s white loose fine powder, odorless and slight bitter. Relative density is 1.50. It has strong moisture absorption. It will be broken up into CaCO3 and acetone when heated to 160℃. Highly soluble in water. Slightly soluble in ethanol.
6、Usage: It is used as chelating agent, mildew-retarding agent, stabilizer, buffering agent, flavoring agent, preservatives, curing agent, nutrient supplement, PH value regulator and processing agent.
7、Packing: It is packed with polythene bag as the inner layer, and polywoven bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg.
8、Storage and Transport: It should be stored in a dry, clean, and ventilative warehouse, kept away from water and moisture during transport, unload with care so as to avoid damaging the bags. Be cautious to keep away from moisture and hot.

执行标准: GB15572-1995
含量(以无水物计): 98.0~102.0%
pH值 : 7.2~8.2
硫酸盐: ≤ 0.1%
氯化物: ≤ 0.050%
重金属(以Pb计),: ≤0.0025%
砷盐(以As计), : ≤0.002%
钡盐 : 符合规定
水分,: ≤ 7.0%
氟化物(以F计),: ≤ 0.005%